All the breezy weather today in Seattle means leaves are dropping, and temperatures are set to start dropping even further later this week. There was even a mention of possible lowland snow by next weekend. What are you doing to prepare?
At Ventana Construction headquarters, that means we are raking up lots of leaves to keep the storm drains clear, and we’ll be putting covers on the old-style hose bibbs and landscape risers on the outside of our building to keep the pipes from freezing.
Neither takes a long time, but both are easy ways to prepare for winter.
Two more steps we’ve taken at our own home: servicing the furnace (including changing out the filter) and snaking a drain outside our garage to make sure it doesn’t back up in heavy rain.
Take a good look around your own home for places where heavy rain, snow or piling leaves can cause trouble and you’ll be one step closer to being ready for winter.